Duration: 4,5 hour

Check-in: 15 min prior to departure

Price: 47 Euro (incl. entrance to the museum)

The history of Amsterdam is not complete without the Jewish quarter. In the 16th century the first group of Jewish immigrants arrived from Spain and Portugal. They brought the diamond trade. The second group arrived from the eastern part of Europe after the pogroms. They settled both  in the so- called Jewish quarter.

During this interesting walk you will see the area where they lived and worked and of course the synagogue as well. You will be supplied with a detailed map and we will  tell you the historical facts in order to give you a good idea of what  the traditional Jewish life looked  like. We will visit the museum of the Dutch Resistance, where you can experience the war through the eyes of the children.

We end the trip visiting a diamond factory , the trade the Jewish immigrants introduced in Amsterdam.

All prices are subject to change, mentioned prices are based on a minimum number of 9 participants. Depending on the number of participants the rate can be adjusted.